Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"No Place Like Home"

"The woman who makes a sweet, beautiful home, filling it with love and prayer and purity, is doing something better than anything else her hands could find to do beneath the skies.” ~J.R. Miller

"An ideal Christian home ought to be a place where love rules. It ought to be beautiful, bright, joyous, full of tenderness and affection, a place in which all are growing happier and holier each day. There should never be any discord, any wrangling, any angry words or bitter feelings. The home-life should be a harmonious song without one marring note, day after day. The home, no matter how humble it is, how plain, how small—should be the dearest spot on the earth to each member of the family. It should be made so happy a place, and so full of life, that no matter where one may wander in after years, in any of the ends of the earth—his home should still hold its invisible cords of influence about him, and should ever draw resistless upon his heart. It ought to be the one spot in all the earth, to which he would turn first, when in trouble or in danger. It should be his refuge, in every trial and grief." ~J.R. Miller
A place of full of love, joy, beauty and peace; a refuge from the world's troubles. This is what we should envision when we think of home. But for many this is far from the image that comes to mind. For many people home is full of disappointment and strife and little more than a place they go to eat and sleep.
"If you would have your children turn out well, don't turn your home into a lunch counter and lodging house." ~Billy Sunday
As a Christian woman my home and my family are my ultimate ministry. When I put my efforts into providing an atmosphere of love, joy, peace and beauty in my home, I am serving God as well as my family. 
What are some of the ways I can cultivate this atmosphere in my home?
I can fill my home with love by SHOWING LOVE. Doing thoughtful things for my family, providing nourishing meals, being patient, kind and understanding.
I can fill my home with joy by BEING HAPPY. Joy is contagious; a husband is much happier when he sees a happy, smiling wife waiting at the door; children are happier when you take the time to laugh and play with them and create joyful memories.
I can fill my home with peace by BEING PEACEFUL. By being compassionate, slow to anger and quick to forgive.
I can fill my home with beauty by CREATING BEAUTY. A neat orderly home, flowers, candles, or a special meal. All of these can create a beautiful welcoming environment.
Contrast a woman striving for these qualities with one who is harsh, irritable, miserable, always complaining, quickly angered, bitter and puts little effort into meals or housework . How is that going to affect the atmosphere of her home?  If my home is full of disorder, conflict and strife, I have no further to look than to myself. If I can't show Christ's love by loving and serving my own family, how can I ever convey that love to others.
Every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands.
~Proverbs 14:1

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